What is Eczema?
Eczema is a chronic skin condition characterized by itchy, dry, inflamed and red patches of skin. It can affect any part of the body but most often appears on the face, hands and feet. The word "eczema" comes from Greek meaning "to boil over".
The exact cause of eczema is unknown but doctors believe that genetics may play a role in its development because it tends to run in families. Other factors include: allergies (such as food or pollen), stress levels and infections like strep throat or cold sores that irritate your immune system (which fights off infection).
The Role of Nutrition in Eczema
The role of diet in eczema
The role of vitamins and minerals in eczema
Food allergies and eczema
Nutrients to Help Manage Eczema
There are several nutrients that can help manage eczema. They include:
Essential fatty acids (EFAs) - EFAs are polyunsaturated fats that your body needs to maintain healthy skin and hair. The two main types of EFAs are omega-3s and omega-6s. You can get these fats from food or supplements, but it's best to get them from food because they may be better absorbed by the body when they're eaten rather than taken as pills or capsules.
Probiotics - Probiotics are live bacteria found in yogurt, kefir (a fermented milk drink), kombucha tea (fermented black or green tea), sauerkraut juice--and many other fermented foods. These good bugs help keep bad bacteria out of your gut so you don't develop an infection like diarrhea caused by E coli bacteria!
Antioxidants - Antioxidants help prevent damage caused by free radicals--atoms or molecules with unpaired electrons that damage cells when they react with them during normal processes such as metabolism . Free radicals cause oxidative stress on our bodies over time which leads to premature aging and disease development including cancerous growths called tumors . Examples include vitamins A , C , D & E; selenium ; zinc ; magnesium ; coenzyme Q10 etcetera...
Tips for Eating a Healthy Diet with Eczema
Choose nutrient-dense foods. Nutrient-dense foods are those that provide the most nutrients per calorie. They include fruits, vegetables and whole grains but not processed foods such as white breads and pastas.
Avoid food allergens. Food allergies can trigger eczema symptoms in some people who are sensitive to certain foods or ingredients in their diet. Common culprits include gluten (found in wheat), dairy products and eggs; peanuts; soybeans; tree nuts such as walnuts or cashews; fish/shellfish like shrimp or crabmeat; corn syrup solids (a sweetener used in many processed foods)
Eczema-Friendly Recipes
It's important to eat a balanced diet when you have eczema, but it's also important that you don't make your condition worse by eating certain foods.
Smoothies: Smoothies are a great way to get lots of nutrients and antioxidants into your system without having to worry about how they'll affect your skin.
Soups: Soup is another good option because it can be made with fewer ingredients than other meals, which means less chance of triggering an allergic reaction or inflammation.
Salads: Salad greens are rich sources of vitamins A, C and E; plus they're low in calories so they won't add extra pounds! Just make sure not too much dressing goes on top - some people find that this makes their skin worse rather than better (this could be due to preservatives). If possible try making homemade dressings using olive oil instead of vegetable oils like canola oil which can irritate some people's skin more than others'.
Supplements for Eczema
You can also take supplements to help your skin. Fish oil and probiotics are both good for eczema, as well as vitamin D, vitamin A and zinc. Evening primrose oil can be helpful if you have an autoimmune condition that causes dryness in the skin such as psoriasis or lupus.
If you're interested in trying a supplement to help with your symptoms of eczema, talk to your doctor first about what might work best for you based on any other medications or conditions that may affect how well they work.
Herbal Remedies for Eczema
Aloe vera: Aloe vera is a plant that can be used as a topical treatment for eczema. It's also known to have anti-inflammatory properties, which may help with the itching associated with this condition.
Turmeric: Turmeric has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects, so it may be helpful for reducing redness and swelling associated with eczema flare-ups.
Licorice root: Licorice root contains an ingredient called glycyrrhizin that can help reduce inflammation in the body (though not everyone should take licorice supplements). This makes it useful as part of an overall treatment plan for people who suffer from chronic inflammation or autoimmune disorders like psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis--both conditions that are closely related to eczema.* Chamomile tea: Drinking chamomile tea regularly has been shown to reduce stress levels by lowering cortisol levels in the blood.* Green tea: Drinking green tea regularly has been shown to improve skin health by increasing blood flow through capillaries near the surface of your face.* Burdock root: Burdock root contains high amounts of antioxidants such as carotenoids and phenolic acids; these chemicals can help prevent cell damage caused by free radicals found within our bodies' cells
Lifestyle Changes for Eczema
Avoid triggers.
Manage stress.
Get enough sleep.
Exercise regularly.
Avoid harsh soaps and detergents, which can irritate the skin and make eczema worse, says Dr. Jonathan Silverberg, an associate professor of dermatology at New York University Langone Medical Center in New York City